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UK Aires - Use Responsibly or Lose Them
We are concerned by reports from local councils about misuse of car parks that have been authorised for overnight stays by motorhomes and campervans.
Increasingly we hear of inappropriate behaviour, such as setting up tables and chairs, having barbecues, dumping of waste water onto the ground and emptying cassettes into public toilets causing blockages.
For example Helmsley Town Council has received numerous complaints about campervans and campervanners using the Cleveland Way Overflow Car Park – areas used, numbers, noise, generators, rubbish, dumping of toilet waste, barbecues and parties. We have ourselves seen campervanners setting up awnings and tables, chairs etc on the car park here.
We hear reports of similar problems at the Coach Street Car Park in Skipton.
Be in no doubt, these and other places will be lost if inappropriate behaviour continues unchecked.
What can be done?
Enforcement of 'no camping behaviour' rules by council officials will help, but budgets are stretched as it is without adding the extra expense of additional patrols by council officials.
Councils are already putting in more restrictions on overnight stays, witness what has happened at the Churchfields Car Park at Appledore, overuse and inappropriate behaviour has resulted in charges being increased to £15 per night per space occupied for any period between 6pm and 10am and motorhomes being restricted to a much smaller area.
The motorhome media has a responsibility to help readers understand what is appropriate use of car parks where motorhomes and campervans are authorised. Car parks are for PARKING ONLY, putting awnings out, setting up tables & chairs, having barbecues, etc is CAMPING ACTIVITY, the place for this is on a CAMPSITE not a car park!
Can you help?
Not an easy thing to ask, but perhaps have a quick word with people who set up camp on a car park, explaining that their activity might result in the complete loss of the motorhome parking facility for everyone.