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Hymer buyout of Explorer Group
Press release giving details of the takeover
The Erwin Hymer Group, Europe’s largest manufacturer of motorhomes and caravans, and the Constantine Group PLC, an investment company with its registered office near London (UK), have agreed that the Erwin Hymer Group will acquire 100% of the shares of The Explorer Group Ltd., including all of its subsidiaries.
The name of the new company will be Erwin Hymer Group UK Ltd. The Managing Director of Erwin Hymer Group UK Ltd. will be Robert Quine, formerly the Managing Director of The Explorer Group Ltd.
The Explorer Group – On the UK market since 1964
The Explorer Group is a leading UK manufacturer of motorhomes and caravans with its registered office in Consett, near Newcastle in the north of England. Founded in the mid-1960s, the company has 400 employees and is predominantly active in the UK. With the Buccaneer, Compass, Elddis, and Xplore brands, the company has been able to steadily increase its share of the UK market in recent years. With a motorhome market share of 11% and a touring caravan market share of 17%, The Explorer Group is one of the three leading manufacturers in the UK.
“Since 2012, our SoLiD Construction method has revolutionised the production process and resulted in a product that is stronger, lighter, and free from water ingress,” says Rob Quine. “Explorer has now invested over eight years into the development of SoLiD. This makes us the only provider of fully structurally bonded caravans and motorhomes in the UK.” The successful launch of SoLiD has resulted in the sales volumes doubling in the past eight years.
The Explorer Group Ltd’s management has excellent knowledge of the British market and is therefore the perfect partner for the Erwin Hymer Group to further expand its position in the UK.
The sales and marketing activities of all EHG brands in the UK will be brought together under the umbrella of the Erwin Hymer Group UK Ltd.
The Erwin Hymer Group is already represented in the United Kingdom today by the Bürstner, Carado, Dethleffs, Eriba, Hymer, Laika, Niesmann+Bischoff, and Sunlight brands. The new Erwin Hymer Group UK Ltd. provides an ideal starting point to strengthen and further expand market presence with a local manufacturing base.
“By acquiring The Explorer Group Ltd., we are strengthening our involvement in the UK. As the leading European manufacturer, we see strategic opportunities in the second largest European caravanning market,” says Martin Brandt, CEO of Erwin Hymer Group AG & Co.KG. “Our aim is to further expand our strong position in Europe and to become a global supplier of high-quality motorhomes and caravans.”
For Jörg Reithmeier, Member of the Managing Board of the Erwin Hymer Group and responsible for the Caravan segment, the acquisition of Explorer is another component in implementing the caravan strategy: “By taking this step, we’re positioning ourselves as the leading manufacturer of premium caravans in Europe.”
“We’re all really looking forward to becoming part of the Erwin Hymer Group,”says Rob Quine, Managing Director of The Explorer Group Ltd. “It is fantastic that a successful organisation like the Erwin Hymer Group is investing in our future. As a new member of the Erwin Hymer Group, we will have access to unique know-how and expertise. We will exploit this strategic opportunity to create permanent added value for our customers.”